Addressing Addiction in our Community


Substance abuse is highly prevalent in Canada. According to Stats Canada, approximately 6 million Canadians meet the criteria for “substance use disorder” over their lifetime.


Vancouver is a particularly lethal city for those struggling with addiction due to the prevalence of fentanyl and the frequency with which it is cut into recreational drugs, often without the users’ knowledge. From the notorious Downtown East Side to the mansions of Shaughnessy, substance misuse and fentanyl overdoses are hitting our community hard. The reality that we are a relatively well-educated and well-heeled community has by no means immunized us against the ravages of the fentanyl epidemic.


Substance abuse is also prevalent in our Jewish community. When it comes to alcoholism and other substance abuse, we are just as susceptible to this disease as every other community. Extrapolating from the national statistics, one in six Jewish people in Vancouver, or over 4,000 in our community, are in need of support in dealing with this issue, not to mention their family, friends, and greater community who are also deeply affected.


Our Community’s Reaction So Far


  • JACS Vancouver was established to help address the problem of addiction in our community, and is currently 100% funded by members and foundations based within our local Jewish community. Learn more about JACS Vancouver’s Mission and Values and the services we offer.
  • The stigma surrounding addiction is very real and can be particularly harsh in what can be an insular, high-achieving, and high-expectation community. In some cases, the Jewish community’s definition of success is a contributing factor to the problem.
  • Our communal response to this epidemic has been largely based in denial and myth and has been muted by the stigma surrounding addiction. Family members, friends, and clergy often deny or minimize the problems of addiction leaving those struggling with addiction feeling marginalized and alienated. In many cases, the deep shame associated with addiction-related issues prevents people from seeking help.
  • If someone struggling with addiction in our community is able to reach out for help, there has been no Jewish-informed addiction support available in Vancouver that they could turn to.


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